
First Montessori Books
1st Year of Life
Birth to 3 Years
3-7 Years
Montessori Books - Wholesale
Age 3-7 Years

Michael Olaf is now a publishing company. Everything that is marked down, and all of the puzzle maps, will be discontinued when they run out. FREE BOOK of your choice with any order over $50. One book per order. At your shopping cart there is a box "ordering instructions". Type your free book choice in this box.
CDL055J.jpg DL055 Vegetable Cards, set/24
24 FULL COLOR images, created from original oil paintings. Found in Montessori classrooms and homes, and Montessori teacher training centers, around the world. Order two sets to make "3-part language cards" for the 3-6 classroom. Cardstock 4.25" x 5", 24 cards
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Quantity   1      2+  
Price $12.00 $9.00

CDE636.jpg DE636 Basic Montessori 3-6+ Geography Cards
24 BLACK AND WHITE cards present the basic Montessori geography concepts. Printed on 4.25" x 5.5" cardstock. The set includes 7 labeled Continent cards (Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica, Europe), continent labels, 8 basic land and water form cards (Island, lake; cape, bay; gulf, peninsula; strait, isthmus), land and water definitions cards with etymology. This is all that is needed to begin the exploration of geography at home or in school. Order two sets to make Montessori "3-part reading material" for the classroom.
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Quantity   1      2+  
Price $8.00 $6.00

CDE606.jpg DE606 Electric Circuit Set, including directions for use
One of the most important physics experiments for ages 3-6 and older. It is recommended in the book "The Red Corolla, Montessori Cosmic Education Introduction for Age 3-6+"" which contains the Montessori arts and sciences lessons that prepare for Cosmic Education in the elementary years. Created by, and only available through, the Michael Olaf company.
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CDP34.jpg DP34 Shell Cards
22 BLACK AND WHITE shell drawings, rather than color images, are important because they lead the child to study the shell rather than just matching the color. Printed on 4.25" x 5.5" cardstock, names printed at the bottom. Order two sets to make Montessori "3-part reading material" for the classroom.
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Quantity   1      2+  
Price $8.00 $6.00

CPE300J.jpg PE300J Joyful Child Frame
NOTE: This frame has always been made from Baltic Birth wood from Russia. Because we no longer can, or want to, get this wood, we are using local wood. As a result the cost has increased slightly. It is a beautiful wood frame made locally to hold our large, 10-piece, picture sets. The pictures easily slip in and out to make changes. Search "large pictures" below to see more than picture sets.
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CDP33J.jpg DP33J Shells with Matching Cards
$45.00 $35.00 On Sale!
The shells in this unique collection of 20+ beautiful shells and 20+ matching drawings were created for the primary or age 3-6 class, but were selected with the study of zoology in the Montessori 6-12 class in mind. It is very important that the pictures are in black in white, so the child will look carefully at the construction of each shell - NOT color matching. This is also important since many shells come in a variety of colors. Drawings by Susan Mayclin Stephenson. 4.25" x 5.5" white cardstock.
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CDE512.jpg DE512 Asia Geography Puzzle
$19.00 $16.00 On Sale!
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CDE514.jpg DE514 Africa/Middle East Geography Puzzle
$19.00 $16.00 On Sale!
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CDE510.jpg DE510 Europe Geography Puzzle
$19.00 $16.00 On Sale!
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CDE518.jpg DE518 Latin America Geography Puzzle
$19.00 $16.00 On Sale!
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CGB100.jpg GB100 Child of the World: Montessori, Global Education for Age 3-12+
"This book explains the meaning of life, how you are supposed to live it. It would be helpful to other people my age. If the young person does not want to read the chapter, The Young Adult, Age 12-18, then the parents should read it so they can help their son or daughter become a better person." —Ryan Alcock, Age 13, The Montessori Lyceum, Amsterdam. MORE
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GB730 The Red Corolla: Montessori Cosmic Education GB730 The Red Corolla: Montessori Cosmic Education for Age 3-6
This book is helping Montessori and non-Montessori families explore the natural and man-made world with their children. There are clearly defined lessons for ages 3-6+ in physics, botany, zoology, history, geography, music, and art, based on lectures by the author on the first AMI primary teacher course in Morocco. For families, schools, teacher training centers.

For more information go to this link: MONTESSORI For more information about the author of our Montessori books go to this link: SUSAN

Michael Olaf Montessori Publishers, PO Box 1162, Arcata, California, 95518;;